EIGS Standards


Culinary Grade Insects

Culinary grade insects are not perfect. This is because the look of the insect is not as important as the flavor when using as food. The look of the insect is more important for Ornamental or Specimen grade. Culinary grade insects are the complete insect but they may be broken and in pieces.

Insect Grading - A

Grade A Culinary quality insects are mostly whole and easily identifiable.

Insect Grading - B

Grade B Culinary quality insects are in pieces but generally identifiable

Insect Grading - C

Grade C Culinary quality insects are crushed and difficult to identify.

Insect Grading - D

Grade D Culinary quality insects are powdered.

Ornamental Grade Insects

Insects marked as Ornamental Grade are generally complete and in good condition. Some damage may occur in shipping because they are still packaged as food.

Culinary Grade Insects

Insects marked as Specimen Grade are complete and carefully packaged. They can be used as food or for display.

Ornamental Grade Edible Insects - A

Grade A Ornamental quality insects are mounted and usually used for display.

Ornamental Grade Edible Insects - B

Grade B Ornamental quality insects are in perfect condition and carefully packed for shipping.

Speciman Grade Edible Insects - A

Grade C culinary quality insects are crushed and difficult to identify.

Speciman Grade Edible Insects - B

Grade D culinary quality insects are powdered.